May 2023
Arduino (C/C++)
During my master's year group project, we were assigned the task of constructing a solar-powered delivery robot, akin to the design of Amazon Scout. I assumed the responsibility for the automation and microcontroller system. For this project, I employed Python and the Arduino language, which is based on C/C++.
Oct 2023
Web development and application building have intrigued me for a while. Since completing university, I've had the opportunity to delve into this passion while traveling throughout Southeast Asia. This website is constructed using TypeScript, React, and the MUI library, all with a foundation of novice knowledge.
Mar 2023
Arduino (C/C++)
I developed an algorithm for the 3pi+ robot to navigate an unknown, unique maze, incorporating 30, 45, and 180-degree turns. The algorithm also includes a detection mechanism to identify when the maze has been successfully completed and a 'return home' feature. This algorithm was written in the Arduino GUI and language, which is based on C/C++.
May 2022
My individual research project for my master's degree involved designing a Grid-to-Vehicle (G2V) simulation tailored to 800V electric vehicles (EVs). G2V technology has the potential to significantly enhance renewable energy capacity and potentially generate additional revenue for EV owners.
May 2023
Arduino (C/C++)
This project studies the potential improvements fuzzy logic could make to robotic controlled systems and assess its potential future uses for systems similar to the 3PI+ robot.
May 2022
This project focuses on designing and implementing various combinations of proportional, integral, and derivative controllers for a Quanser helicopter. These controllers play a crucial role in assisting the system in handling real-life disturbances and fluctuations in demand.
Oct 2023
In Progress
Now that I've gained a fundamental grasp of React and Typescript, I'm enthusiastic about advancing my skills. A dear friend of mine, Caroline, passionately creates clothing in her spare time. The quality of her work is impressive, prompting me to consider developing a platform for her to sell some of her unique creations. This project will include utilising Tailwind to style elements and implementing a payment system.
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