Exploring Robotics: 3pi+ Line Following Adventure

Project Background

The project was part of an optional module during my master's year. It involved the use of a pre-purchased Pololu 3pi+ and aimed to impart a fundamental understanding of how the 3pi+ operates, along with the corresponding Arduino-based coding language, which is derived from C/C++. This module welcomed students with no prior experience in the language, catering to novice-level learners.

The ultimate goal of the project was to devise a unique solution for a line-following algorithm. Specifically, this meant that the algorithm should not rely on hard-coded directional inputs, ensuring that the 3pi+ could effectively tackle any problem presented to it. To acheive full marks the alorthim should:

  1. Detect the line and direction of travel
  2. Complete 30 degree turns
  3. Complete 45 degree turns
  4. Complete 90 degree turns
  5. Jump gaps
  6. Detect the end of the probelm
  7. Return to inital starting position

Solarbot test run

Submitted line following solution

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