Lentil Bolognese

3 Feb 2024

picture of food

green lentils [1 tin]

garlic [1/2 bulb]

celery [2 sticks]

onion [medium]

carrots [2 medium]

chillis [2-3]

sweet pepper [1]

tinned tomatoes [1 tinn]



fresh basil


tenderstem broccoli

dijon musturd

mapple syrup


I basically lived off this dish during my first and second year of university. I practically made a batch once a week and was obsessed with it. Unfortunately for me, because I ate this dish so much, I practically lost any sense of taste for it and have no clue if it's good anymore. However, everyone I serve it to seems to like it, so I'll just take that win.

The photo of the dish, in particular, was taken during my trip to visit Finn when he returned from his travels. Finn's mother wanted him to use up all the excess food in the cupboard that was cluttering up her kitchen. And this is the perfect dish for that; you can practically throw anything into this dish as an optional extra, and it will work.

Id highly reccomend you look at the garlic bread recipe to pair along side this meal too. Super yummy and tbh who needs an excuse to eat garlic bread.


As for every entry in this collection, this is more of a guide and not something you should follow strictly and defo should make it your own. I'm going be honest theres alot of chopping in this if your making it for alot of people but its worth it.

Dice the carrots, celery, and onions and place them in a pan with a bit of salt. Let them sweat by pouring a little boiling water into the pan and covering it with a lid. The longer you let them sweat, usually the better the taste in my opinion. I typically add each ingredient to the pan as it's chopped. Additionally, I aim to cut them into very thin slices so that they can dissolve into the sauce, but if you prefer chunks, feel free to do that.

Next, finely dice your chilies and mince your garlic. Once ready, create a small exposed area in the pan, place the chili-garlic mixture in it, and stir for 30 seconds before incorporating it into the vegetable base.

After letting the mixture in the pan get familiar with each other, I then add the dry seasoning (oregano, thyme, salt, and pepper). If you're looking for specific quantities, I don't measure; I just go by feel and guess based on what I sense. Good luck!

Roughly two minutes later, look to add the tinned tomatoes and any puree you have into the mixture. Pour some boiling water with it and reduce it back down. Once reduced, add the tinned lentils and then pour in some more boiling water. Cook for at least 10 minutes, adjusting the sauce consistency to your liking. During this time id suggest boiling your pasta x

Finally, chiffonade the fresh basil to serve and plate up! Keep reading if you want to know how to make the broccoli as well

For the broccoli simple wash and cut then place on a baking try. In a bowl make a thick sauce of the dijon mustard and mapple syrup somewhere like a 60-70% mustard and the rest being syrup. Pour the tiniest amount of water in and then pour on the broccoli and bake for 30-40 mins on 180.

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